Earthbound Environmental Solutions, LLC

As a business in the Chippewa Valley, Earthbound is your local choice for organics recycling. Earthbound, a recognized innovator in the industry, offers dynamic services to meet the needs of our ever changing business community. This is accomplished by combining hauling services, processing capability, and business support and sales.

What time will my waste be collected?

Curbside collection occurs between 5:00am and 5:30pm, thus your receptacles need to be curbside by 5:00am on your day of collection to avoid a missed pick up. Should you miss your pick up and ask for a return trip, an additional charge will be added to your account. If you do not wish to pay for a return to curb trip, we will be back to collect you as usual the following week. Extra fees may apply if you have additional waste outside of your curbside containers. Earthbound cannot guarantee pick up times based on growth and need for changes in routes as appropriate. Your pick up may occur earlier or later than prior pick-ups, so if you note your waste has not yet been collected, please wait until at least 4pm to contact our office if at that point they remain uncollected.Receptacles cannot be placed for collection any earlier than 5:00pm the day prior to your collection and shall be removed on the day of collection.

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